Innovative Welding Robot for Railway Maintenance

October 9th, 2024
A welding robot that can repair cracks in rails and switches, that is the future Robel Rail Automation is working on. This innovative solution is part of new initiative by Robel in partnership with the Dutch railway companies ProRail, VolkerRail and Strukton. The robot works more consistently than manual welding and takes heavy manual work off the hands of mechanics, reducing their physical strain – an important development within the rail sector.
Consistent and reliable results
ProRail is facing major challenges in achieving its future goals. One focus is on digitisation and robotisation, in order to reduce manual work and further improve quality. This is also a solution that responds to the shortage of skilled workers, including welders, and to reduce night work.
What makes the Robel welding robot special is the consistent quality it delivers. Where manual welding can vary, the robot always ensures the same, high result. This is good for the safety and sustainability of the railway. In the future, the welding robot will cover complete rail maintenance processes: from measuring defects, milling and welding to precise grinding. This makes the robot even more efficient and reliable.
Shortage of welders
The arrival of this welding robot in the Netherlands is a direct answer to an important operational issue: finding sufficiently qualified welders. Fewer and fewer people are opting for this specialized work, mainly because it often has to be done at night.
Automation is important for the future of rail systems. The welding robot is a first step towards more automation in track maintenance. If the new robot proves its operational capability , it can be used in many places in the Netherlands. With this, Robel, together with ProRail, VolkerRail and Strukton, is taking an important step towards a future in which reliability and innovation come together.